Wednesday 24 September 2008

Sex Pictures. Or what my gut tells me.

All I've been doing the last few weeks is research research research. On nothing but photography.
It's weird. I love drawing buildings, creating new spaces, developing ideas when it comes to interior design, but when actually having to act, walking around and producing something final I end up with photography. Never have I really researched an architect or looked into interior design. When I am in the library I intentionally go to the photography section to look at some more artists, find out more about the artists we worked on in secondary school. When my lecturers mention any photographic techniques I wake up again, listen very carefully, taking in all  information possible, not wanting to miss a thing. 
But when I flick through the new Ikea catalogue, when I look around me I have ideas on how to make the room look better, how to increase the room atmosphere, where to place mirrors to lighten a dark room. 
Both jobs are going to be hard work. Unreliable working hours, a lot of competition, not unimportant one, but everybody is going to be good. 
My gut tells me to go for photography. It has always been my passion, and although every girl goes through that photography phase, I find I ended up sticking with it. 
I'm torn. 

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